choosing every single potential direct descendant of ng-content

Latest Update:

After utilizing ::ng-deep, some progress was made.

:host {
&::ng-deep*:hover {
    background: red;

This method applies the hover effect to individual items instead of the whole container. However, it also affects all children and grandchildren of the item.

I experimented with using :first-child instead of *, but it seems like ::ng-deep is required to reach this level of depth.

The goal is to create a template that styles all included children.

  selector: 'custom-template',
  template: '<ng-content></ng-content>',
  styles: [`
    :host {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
export class Template {

Currently, the template functions correctly by styling the content within it.

The issue arises when trying to style the content itself which does not reflect any changes:


:host {
  display: flex; 
  flex-direction: column; 
  * {
    &:hover { 
      background: red; 

In my case, an array of items is being passed:

  <div *ngFor="let item of items">

My objective is to add hover behavior to any child elements passed into the template.


Previous attempts:

:host {
  &*:hover {
    background: red; 

Answer №1

Feel free to give this a try, it's expected to function correctly.

:host:hover { background: red;}
:host(:hover) { background: red;}

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