Choosing an element that does not have a particular string in its colon attribute name

In my code, I have multiple elements structured like this:

<g transform="matrix">
   <image xlink:href="data:image/png" width="48">
<g transform="matrix">
   <image xlink:href="specific" width="48">
<g transform="matrix">
   <image xlink:href="specific" width="48">

My goal is to select an element that does NOT contain 'specific' in its name. The challenge lies in the fact that sometimes there are multiple of these non-specific elements and other times none at all. However, there will always be exactly one non-specific image.

The issue I am facing is due to the presence of ':' in the attribute name.

This is what I have attempted so far:

public static getEventIconOnMap: ElementFinder = 

Answer №1

I'm having trouble understanding your code and how to test it, but I believe the following code might work. Try escaping the character like this:

public static getEventIconOnMap: ElementFinder = 

Here is a CSS selector that should work, so adjust it to fit your code:

image:not([xlink\:href*=specyfic]) {
  // your code

Check out this working fiddle - while it's not identical to your code, I wrote it as a css selector:

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