Choosing all components except for one and its descendants

I am searching for a method to choose all elements except for one specific element and its descendant, which may contain various levels of children/grandchildren or more. What I'm trying to accomplish is something like...

$("*").not(".foo, .foo *").bind("touchmove",function(e){

This code snippet would prevent the touchmove event on all elements except those with the foo class and its child elements. However, the complexity arises from not knowing how many levels deep these descendants go, as this piece of code will be utilized across multiple template files that vary in hierarchy depth.

Is there a more efficient way to achieve this? Perhaps an alternative solution besides creating new div/span elements to wrap everything else but the undesired selection (which could take quite some time for unknown reasons).

Any advice or suggestions are warmly welcomed.

Answer №1

Your code accomplishes exactly what you desire:

Check out this JSFiddle example

Give it a try! I created a simple example with hover functionality to make elements visible, focusing on divs and paragraphs to simplify the process. However, it can also work with all other elements.

$("div,p").not(".foo, .foo *").hover(function(){
    $(this).css("background", "#70A5C9");
    $(this).css("background", "#ffffff");

This method works because each child element inherits the classes of its parent elements. In my demonstration, you'll notice that the innermost div will have all the corresponding fooX classes (where 1 < X < 6).

Take a look at another example; by changing the background color of foo3, all nested foos will adopt the same background color.

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