Choosing a container element with jQuery

On an older website using jquery and nodejs, I am working on some filtering tasks. My goal is to target the b elements that are enclosed within a p tag. Specifically, I only want to select those b elements that do not have any text surrounding them.

The Target Element

<p><b>Some text</b></p>

What I Aim to Avoid

<p>Some other text and some other elements <a>link</a><b>Some text</b> 
   and some more text of the parent p

Is there a way to specifically target the first wrapped element while ignoring the second one? Is there a selector that can help achieve this?

Answer №1

To achieve this, the filter method can be utilized:

$('p > b').filter(function() {
   return $(this.parentNode) // obtain the p element
                .contents() // gather all child nodes
                .not(this) // exclude the current `b` element
                .length === 0; 

Check out an example here

Answer №2

Consider utilizing the :first-child selector for your CSS styling needs

alert($(">b:first-child", "p").text())
<script src="">
<p><b>Some text</b></p>
What I don't want to match

<p>Some other text and some other elements <a>link</a><b>Some text</b> 
   and some more text of the parent p

Answer №3

Not entirely sure. Does this resemble what you're after?


 <p>Different text and various other elements <a>link</a><b>Some text</b> 
    along with additional content within the parent p</p>
 <p><b>Some text</b></p>
 <p>Different text and various other elements <a>link</a><b>Some text</b> 

additional content within the parent p


 p b:first-child:nth-of-type(1)


Answer №4

Use the substring() method to determine if the first 3 characters of the content returned by the html() function are exactly equal to <b>.

$("p").each(function() {
   if ($(this).html().substring(0, 3) == "<b>") {
       // Perform desired actions here

This functionality is illustrated in a JSFiddle demonstration available at this JSFiddle Demo Link.

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