choose exclusively the text within the elementor navigation menu

I've been tinkering with this issue for a few hours now.

I have a vertical Elementor navigation menu and I'd like to add a hover effect to it. So far, I can only select the entire column and apply the effect to that, not just the length of the text.

Here is how it currently looks, with the closing "brackets" always at the same width at the end of the column:

Example 1:

Example 2:

What I want is for the effect to be at the end of each menu item's text, which varies in length.

Like This:

My current selector is .elementor-7 .elementor-element.elementor-element-1cf0e88 .elementor-nav-menu--main .elementor-item: - I also tried using "a" but that didn't work at all.

Thank you.


Answer №1

You are unable to select only text content. The text must be contained within an HTML tag.

For instance:

div {
  color: green;

p {
  color: red;

span {
  color: blue;
  <p>I can be selected with p {  }</p>
  I cannot be selected as I am a text node of the root div tag.
  <span>However, I can be selected since I am enclosed in a span tag.</span>

Answer №2

A helpful addition would be a hyperlink to the corresponding website.

The issue at hand may stem from the element being styled as "display: block" or something similar, causing it to take up the full width of its container.

You could try adjusting the styling of the link to "display: inline" or "display: inline-block" so that it only takes up the necessary width, rather than stretching across the entire parent div.

Another approach could involve targeting each link as the "nth" element in a list, although a visual inspection of the webpage would likely be required since Elementor is often more complex than just being labeled as "Elementor". Your theme and any additional plugins can also impact how this should be approached.

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