check title variable using ID in selenium webdriver

When using selenium IDE to test my site, I encountered a challenge on some pages where there is a link with a variable ID. For example: () Every time a user clicks on this link, the site takes them to a process page with a changing number (variable).

Due to this variability, I am unable to use the following code:


Can anyone suggest what alternative approach I can take? Any help would be appreciated.

Answer №1

Use the following XPath to find the element:

"//td[contains(text(), '')]"

Answer №2

When using SELENIUM IDE, there are several options available for selecting a target.

The sequence for choosing a target value is as follows:

  1. ID

  2. NAME

  3. LINK

  4. DOM

  5. CSS

  6. XPATH

The structure of an XPATH is //html tag[@property='value']

Feel free to experiment with these options!

Answer №3

tap > //html/body/div[6]/div[3]/div/div/div/table/tbody/tr/td[2]/a

gratitude to all

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