Changing the opacity on hover doesn't seem to be working

I currently have a simple dropdown menu where the different menu choices are supposed to change opacity when hovered over. The default opacity is set at 0.5.

Below is the hover function in my jQuery code:

$('#cat1 > li > a').hover(function () {
        color: '#dc692e', opacity: 1
}, function () {
        color: '#fff', opacity: .5

To see the complete implementation, check out this interactive demo:

I appreciate your assistance with this matter!

Answer №1

If you try to use

$('#cat1 > li > a').hover(...
, it won't work as expected because the a elements don't actually exist when that code is executed. To fix this, you can either run the code right after adding those elements (inside the $.getJSON() callback) or use event delegation on an existing element:

    mouseenter : function () {
        color: '#dc692e', opacity: 1
    mouseleave : function () {
        color: '#fff', opacity: .5
},'li > a');

Check out the demo here:

By passing the selector 'li > a' as a separate parameter to .on(), the handlers will work even on dynamically added elements.

To avoid this issue altogether, consider using CSS for styling instead, as CSS rules will apply to dynamically added elements automatically.

Answer №2

one way to adjust the transparency is by using animate.

$('#dog1 > li > a').hover(function () {
    $(this).animate({opacity: 0.8}, 400);

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