I am attempting to adjust the height of the rows in this material-ui code example.
import * as React from "react";
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
import Table from "@mui/material/Table";
import TableBody from "@mui/material/TableBody";
import TableCell, { tableCellClasses } from "@mui/material/TableCell";
import TableContainer from "@mui/material/TableContainer";
import TableHead from "@mui/material/TableHead";
import TableRow from "@mui/material/TableRow";
import Paper from "@mui/material/Paper";
const StyledTableCell = styled(TableCell)(({ theme }) => ({
root: {
height: "20px"
[`&.${tableCellClasses.head}`]: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.black,
color: theme.palette.common.white
[`&.${tableCellClasses.body}`]: {
fontSize: 14
const StyledTableRow = styled(TableRow)(({ theme }) => ({
root: {
height: "20px"
"&:nth-of-type(odd)": {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover
// hide last border
"&:last-child td, &:last-child th": {
border: 0
function createData(name, calories, fat, carbs, protein) {
return { name, calories, fat, carbs, protein };
const rows = [
createData("Frozen yoghurt", 159, 6.0, 24, 4.0),
createData("Ice cream sandwich", 237, 9.0, 37, 4.3),
createData("Eclair", 262, 16.0, 24, 6.0),
createData("Cupcake", 305, 3.7, 67, 4.3),
createData("Gingerbread", 356, 16.0, 49, 3.9)
export default function CustomizedTables() {
return (
<TableContainer component={Paper}>
<Table sx={{ minWidth: 700 }} aria-label="customized table">
<StyledTableCell>Dessert (100g serving)</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">Calories</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">Fat (g)</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">Carbs (g)</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">Protein (g)</StyledTableCell>
{rows.map((row) => (
<StyledTableRow key={row.name}>
<StyledTableCell component="th" scope="row">
<StyledTableCell align="right">{row.calories}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">{row.fat}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">{row.carbs}</StyledTableCell>
<StyledTableCell align="right">{row.protein}</StyledTableCell>
I have tried to customize the css like this:
const StyledTableCell = styled(TableCell)(({ theme }) => ({
root: {
height: "30px",
padding: 0,
[`&.${tableCellClasses.head}`]: {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.common.black,
color: theme.palette.common.white,
[`&.${tableCellClasses.body}`]: {
fontSize: 14,
const StyledTableRow = styled(TableRow)(({ theme }) => ({
root: {
height: "30px",
"&:nth-of-type(odd)": {
backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover,
// hide last border
"&:last-child td, &:last-child th": {
border: 0,
However, I have not seen any changes take effect. It seems that I may have modified the wrong property. How can I successfully change the row height?
There were buttons in my last column which were preventing the rows from being smaller. The solutions mentioned in the comments and the provided answer have worked.