Changing the arrow in jQuery's slideToggle for different div elements is a breeze

Good day, I'm struggling with getting the arrow switch to work correctly for slideToggle. Even though I have three of them, the arrow changes only for the first one - no matter which div I click on. Any suggestions on what I might be missing? Thank you.

Check out the demo here


        var src = $('#arrow').attr('src') == "arrow-down.png" ? "arrow-up.png" : "arrow-down.png";
        $('#arrow').attr('src', src);


<div id="container">    
    <div class="flip">One   <img id="arrow" src="arrow-down.png" alt="" /></div>

    <div class="panel"> 

<div id="container">    
    <div class="flip">Two   <img id="arrow" src="arrow-down.png" alt="" /></div>

    <div class="panel"> 

<div id="container">    
    <div class="flip">Xxx   <img id="arrow" src="arrow-down.png" alt="" /></div>

    <div class="panel"> 

Answer №1

You were referencing the overall $('#arrow') instead of the specific one within the relevant .flip. I resolved it like this:

$(this).find('#arrow').attr('src', src);

I made updates to your jsFiddle…

…however, your code is still a bit disorganized. It's better not to have multiple instances of id="arrow". Rather, utilize classes. Additionally, using a ternary operation to compare src values may be excessive. Instead, consider using classes (.addClass(), .removeClass()) and background-image.

In essence, <img> is ideal for content (such as images) while CSS background is more suitable for interface elements (like icons).

Answer №2

You currently have 3 images all with the same id arrow, and you are updating the src attribute for each of them. A more efficient way to do this is by using the following code:

var src = $(this).children('#arrow').attr('src') == "" ? "" : "";
$(this).children('#arrow').attr('src', src);

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