Changing both the color and size of the default tab bar in Ionic3

Trying to customize the default tab bar in Ionic 3 using Angular. Modified main.css file successfully, but changes revert back to default after rebuilding. How can I create a new CSS file to make permanent style changes to the tab bar?

Looking for guidance on how to update the styling of the tab bar in Ionic 3. Sorry for the basic question, still learning as a newbie.

Answer №1

I assume you are inquiring about the tabs feature in Ionic.

The customization options may vary based on whether you are developing for Android or iOS platforms.

If you wish to modify the appearance for Android devices,

simply insert

$tabs-md-background: color($colors, custom);
into the variable.scss file.

In this case, replace custom with your preferred color scheme. Likewise, it is possible to adjust the size according to the operating system of your mobile device.

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