Hey there, I need some assistance on how to target a specific element with the class .typed::after using JavaScript. The code provided below only targets classes without ::after or ::before, and the cursor is currently positioned on the after of 'typed.'
<span class="typed"></span>
strings: ["the Philippines"],
// Optionally use an HTML element to grab strings from (must wrap each string in a <p>)
stringsElement: null,
// typing speed
typeSpeed: 40,
// time before typing starts
startDelay: 1200,
// backspacing speed
backSpeed: 20,
// time before backspacing
backDelay: 500,
// loop
loop: true,
// false = infinite
loopCount: 1,
// show cursor
showCursor: false,
// character for cursor
cursorChar: "|",
// attribute to type (null == text)
attr: null,
// either html or text
contentType: 'html',
// call when done callback function
callback: function() {