Change the color of the navbar after scrolling past 70% of the viewport height using

I'm exploring the idea of changing the color scheme of my navbar when it reaches 70% of the viewport height (vh).

My current thought is to use an @media query to apply an invert filter to the nav container and logo. The syntax might look something like this: @media at 70vh add filter:invert(1); I'm not entirely sure how to articulate it, but it should be able to affect both images and text.

If anyone has any suggestions or insights on how to achieve this, I would greatly appreciate it!

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, using only CSS is not possible; you will need to incorporate some JavaScript. The following code snippet demonstrates how to accomplish this using jQuery:

$(window).scroll(function() {

  var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
  var winVH = $(window).height();

  if (scroll >= winVH) {
  } else {

This code adds a class to your navigation when the scroll position is greater than or equal to the window's height. You can then apply styles to the invertColor class, such as filter: invert(1), to achieve the desired effect. For more information on the scrollTop function, refer to the jQuery documentation.

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