Change background according to URL query

My goal is to dynamically change background images based on a URL parameter, specifically the destination code. With numerous background images available, it's crucial to display the correct one depending on the URL string. For instance, if the URL reads:

a corresponding background image should be linked to the 'ord' query.

Given the variety of station codes ('ord', 'lax', etc.) and corresponding images named 'dest-a', 'dest-b', and beyond, I aim to develop a function that automates the process of displaying the appropriate image based on the station code provided.

While my current script utilizes an if/else statement for this purpose, I'm seeking a more efficient approach to avoid manually assigning each station code with its respective background image within the 'bgImgs' object. How can I design a function that effortlessly swaps background images in alignment with the station code extracted from the URL query?

Answer №1

function setStationBackground (stationCode) {

    var path = "assets/images/stations/";
    var background = null;

    switch (stationCode) {
        case "nyc":
        case "bos":
        case "atl":
        case "mia":
            background = "city-a.jpg";
        case "chi":
            background = "city-b.jpg";

        /* More cases here... */

            background = "city-c.jpg";

    var backgroundImageUrl = "url(" + path + background + ")";
    document.getElementById("main-content").style.backgroundImage = backgroundImageUrl;

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