Encountering an issue while navigating through the site at . The left-hand side image sometimes loads and sometimes doesn't. Using the code below to change the image when switching pages:
var pic = new Image();
pic.src = "images/homeLargeImg.jpg";
Here is the backend code being utilized:
var RHigh=$('#RightPane').height() var windHigh=$(window).height()
$(pic).hide().load(function() { //debugger; $(this).fadeIn(); var marginT=(windHigh/100*5) var imgH = (marginT+windHigh)
$("#LeftPaneImage").html("<img id='triquibackimg' src='"+pic.src+"' style='"+windHigh+"'/>")
$(window).bind('resize', function() { resize() });
function resize() {
if( RHigh < windHigh)
//----------------Right Pane vAlign--------------
(function ($) {
$.fn.vAlign = function() {
return this.each(function(i){
var h = $(this).height();
var oh = $(this).outerHeight();
var mt = (h + (oh - h)) / 2;
$(this).css("margin-top", "-" + mt + "px");
$(this).css("top", "50%");
$(this).css("position", "absolute");
(function ($) {
$.fn.hAlign = function() {
return this.each(function(i){
var w = $(this).width();
var ow = $(this).outerWidth();
var ml = (w + (ow - w)) / 2;
$(this).css("margin-left", "-" + ml + "px");
$(this).css("left", $("#LeftPane").width());
$(this).css("position", "absolute");
$(document).ready(function() {
// if ($(window).height()>800){
// $("#RightPane").css("position",'relative'); // } // else{$("#RightPane").css("margin-top",60)} } }
Seeking advice on resolving this issue. Thank you.