Challenges that arise from IE6 css issues

I am encountering an issue with the jquery slider in IE6. To see the problem, please visit the link below and click on the "dodaj u košaricu" button located at the bottom right. Then, navigate to the "košarica" tab and attempt to move the slider up and down. Some elements appear locked in place like they are fixed.

link text

In IE6, all elements except for the table and text remain fixed. In IE7, only the horizontal slider is affected. However, everything displays correctly in Firefox.

Answer №1

While I typically steer clear of the "you don't want to do that, you want to do this" approach, there are exceptions that prove the rule.

When it comes to interface elements like scrollbars, buttons, and sliders, they serve a specific purpose or follow conventions. Adhering to these conventions can make things smoother for users and simpler for developers.

For instance, using a slider to choose the quantity of an item for purchase implies selecting a discrete integer value.

A slider works well for analog values such as volume, where users think in terms of 'more' or 'less'. However, when it comes to discrete values, like picking from a set options, a slider might not be the most intuitive choice.

Instead of relying on a slider for unbounded integer values, consider using a standard text input. This familiar option will be clearer to users and streamline the development process.

In the end, simplicity is key. While a flashy slider may seem impressive, what matters most is functionality. Prioritize user experience over unnecessary design elements.

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