Challenges encountered while making CSS adjustments on the Wordpress Twentyfourteen theme

I'm currently assisting a friend with making some final adjustments to their website. The site is built on Wordpress using the Twentyfourteen theme and can be found at

Most of the modifications have been completed, but I'm facing challenges with the last one.

At present, the top section looks like this - where the links are getting hidden by the logo on smaller screens:

When I try adjusting the paddings and margins for ".primary-navigation .nav-menu" in the Inspect console, it temporarily appears like this:

Unfortunately, when I make these changes permanent, it results in something like this (or even worse, depending on the situation):

Any suggestions on how I can achieve the layout shown in the second picture?

Answer №1

After reviewing the website, here are my thoughts:

  • The logo's background image is positioned ON the header instead of IN the header, which may be why you are unable to control it. Try moving it to the h1.siteclass element within your header
  • The lighter blue color appears more on the left side due to a custom sidebar setup where content and sidebar are aligned horizontally. Consider utilizing Bootstrap or theme options for proper alignment. If this layout is intentional, there might not be a need to change it.
  • To adjust the menu style, modify the site-header height as desired and then apply a margin-top to the search-toggle and site-navigation elements.

I hope these suggestions are helpful!

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