Challenges arising from the offset in an overflowing Div

Encountering issues with JQuery Offset when utilized within a div that has a fixed height and overflow.

This particular div contains two columns, a main column and a sidebar. The objective is to have one of the sidebar divs scroll within its container until it reaches the top, at which point it should stay in place.

A demonstration can be found here:

Although scrolling works, the div does not remain at the top until it has been scrolled past, resulting in the top portion being cut off.

Your assistance on this matter would be highly valued.

Answer №1

You were looking for the top offset position of the <h1>:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // relocating the share this widget within the window
    if ($('#scrollingContent').length > 0) {
        var $widget = $("#scrollingContent");
        var $window = $("#overFlowDiv");
        var $topOffset = $('h1').height();
        var $offset = $widget.offset();
        var $initialMargin = $widget.css('marginTop');

        $window.scroll(function() {
            if ($window.scrollTop() > ($ {
                    marginTop: ($window.scrollTop() - ($ - $topOffset))
            } else {
                    marginTop: $initialMargin

Answer №2

Not your typical solution, but I found success with this approach...

$window.scroll(function() {
if ($window.scrollTop() > $ {
  marginTop: ($window.scrollTop() -(180 - $

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