Challenge with maintaining table responsiveness when adjusting the width of table cells using Jquery and CSS

I've implemented a responsive table with text-overflow: ellipsis to handle long text in table cells.

To enhance user experience, I added a script that allows users to expand or collapse a column by clicking on the header. However, after expanding a column and resizing it, the responsiveness of the table is lost when the page width changes below a certain threshold.

This behavior is expected as fixed widths can hinder responsiveness.

I'm looking for a way to reset the column widths on window resize so that the table remains fluid and responsive even after the column has been expanded. This is crucial for maintaining a good user experience.

Below is snippet of the HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div class="content">
            <div class="container">
                        <th>Col 1</th>
                        <th>Col 2</th>
                        <th>Col 3</th>
                        <th>Col 4</th>
                        <th>Col 5</th>
                        <th>Col 6</th>      
                        <td>Data 1 - Data 1 - Data 1 - Data 1 - Data 1 - Data 1 - Data 1</td>
                        <td>Data 2 - Data 2 - Data 2 - Data 2 - Data 2 - Data 2 - Data 2</td>
                        <td>Data 3 - Data 3 - Data 3 - Data 3 - Data 3 - Data 3 - Data 3</td>   
                        <td>Data 4 - Data 4 - Data 4 - Data 4 - Data 4 - Data 4 - Data 4</td>
                        <td>Data 5 - Data 5 - Data 5 - Data 5 - Data 5 - Data 5 - Data 5</td>
                        <td>Data 6 - Data 6 - Data 6 - Data 6 - Data 6 - Data 6 - Data 6</td>
... (CSS and jQuery snippets remain the same) ...

If you want to see the issue in action, check out this JSFiddle link:

Any assistance in resolving this problem would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. The jQuery code might seem complex for this example, but in actual scenarios where table size varies dynamically, the script needs to efficiently manage the table structure for all cases.

Answer №1

To ensure your table header formatting remains consistent, remember to adjust it when resizing the window.

const resizeTableHeader = () => {
window.onresize = resizeTableHeader;

Implementing this will effectively solve any issues with resizing.

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