I am currently facing an issue with a running news ticker that displays correctly in Firefox but not in all versions of Chrome:
<div id="a" style="position:fixed; bottom:50px; height:30px;">
<span id="b" style="display:inline; position:absolute;">blah blah text one two three.</span>
Upon loading the document, I utilize a jQuery function to set the CSS properties (specifically adjusting the left positional value of #b) so that the text moves from right to left. Once the text is completely off the screen, I reset the left positional value of #b back to screen.width.
However, in Chrome, the text of #b gets cut off to only 1-2 words and remains broken into multiple lines without changing back (unlike in Firefox where it shows correctly like a news ticker). After doing some investigation, I discovered this behavior in Chrome and was wondering how I can avoid it or if this is a bug specific to Chrome.