Understanding the distinction between padding and margin is crucial.
Padding pertains to the interior of the element, creating an "inside border" effect that pushes the content away from the boundary. For instance, when applied to an input field, a 10px padding will shift the text 10px inward from the border.
On the other hand, margin influences the overall position of the element.
Take a look at the CSS box model for more information.
Remember, the order of values for padding or margin is top, right, bottom, and left.
For example, specifying Padding as 10px 25px 0 50px will allocate 10px on top, 25px on right, 0px at the bottom, and 50px on the left.
To create additional space between the title "Description" and the input labeled "Description" in your scenario, consider applying some padding to the table:
Here's an example you can experiment with and modify according to your requirements:
.description {
width: 75%;
height: 38px;
padding: 10px;
.margin {
margin: 50px auto; // applies to top/bottom (left/right is set to auto)
.padding {
padding: 25px; // applies to top/right/bottom/left
<div class="margin">
<td class="padding">Description</td>
<td class="padding"><input type="text" name="Description" class="description"></td>