Centering text in a D3 donut chart

Struggling with centering text inside a d3 donut chart for a project. While trying to modify a piece of code, I find myself lost in the complexity of it.

Despite my efforts, the text added to the center is not perfectly centered. I have attempted various CSS adjustments like 'margin-top', but none seem to work effectively. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve proper centering?

Below is the snippet responsible for attaching the text:

         "text-anchor": "middle",
       }).style({'fill': 'red', 'font-size': '18px'}).text(calories);

Here's the Codepen link for reference:

Answer №1

Have you observed that two labels situated outside the circle are perfectly centered vertically, but the one in the middle is not?

The missing piece to resolve this is:

 .attr('dy', '0.35em')

You can find the updated codepen link here.

I'll let you uncover the magic behind that line.

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