Centered dropdown positioned under parent element with hidden overflow

In my navigation bar, I have a link that opens a dropdown when clicked. The parent of this link has the CSS property overflow: hidden in place to truncate the text if it becomes too long. However, I am facing an issue where the dropdown is not positioned correctly when the parent's width changes dynamically. The dropdown ends up getting cut off due to the overflow property.

Is there a way to fix this using CSS only? I prefer not to resort to using position: fixed and manipulating margins with JavaScript as a solution.

You can view a simple example in this fiddle here

Thank you for your help!

Answer №1

Regrettably, CSS does not provide a way to display the contents of a child element with overflow:hidden outside of its parent's borders. In order to achieve this effect, you will need to adjust the hierarchy.

If rearranging the structure is not feasible, one workaround could be adding padding to the bottom of .nav-pull-left that matches the size of your dropdown, although this solution may not be ideal.

.nav_pull_left {
  padding-bottom: 80px;
  float: none;
  border: 1px solid black;
  white-space: nowrap;

Alternatively, you can utilize JavaScript to dynamically adjust the height of the parent container when the dropdown menu is visible. However, restructuring the hierarchy remains the recommended and cleanest approach.

If you opt for the hierarchical adjustment method, feel free to reach out for assistance :)

Answer №2

Allow me to propose the following solution, where you adjust your CSS code as shown below.

.nav_pull_right {
  min-height:50px;      /* changed height to min-height */

.nav_pull_left {
  min-height:50px;     /* changed height to min-height */

.my_dropdown {
  position: relative;  /* changed absolute to relative */
  margin: 0;
  /* top: 2em; */      /* removed top */
  left: 50%;
  width: 170px;
  z-index: 99999;
  border:2px solid #929292;

By making these adjustments, your container overflow will be controlled and the drop-down menu will be centered on the page.

Do you think this solution would be helpful for your needs?

Check out this live demo on JSFiddle

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