centered calculation with an offset

Check out what I'm attempting here

I am trying to keep an element in the center and have another element hug the left side of it.

Essentially, I want the leftmost position of the left div to be right: calc(50% - 200px - (left's width));

The issue arises when using right: 50%; it works but right: calc(50% + 100px) does not.

How can I ensure that the div with the "left" class always stays adjacent to the center element?

<div class="left"> hug this center element </div>
<div class="middle"> this stays in the middle</div>

Answer №1

position: absolute; /* center element */
left: 50%; /* align horizontally */
margin-left: -15px; /* adjust for half of element width if width is 30px */

Answer №2

The concept is quite simple, focusing on a specific graphic or event. Notably, it also fixes the issue with resizing elements without adding unnecessary code. When dealing with an image that has a width of 300px, we just need to specify 50% within the method. Thus, the following should suffice:

#imgone {
    left: calc(100% - 150px / 2);
    /* additional code here */;

An essential rule here is to include blank spaces between + or - signs to prevent negative numbers. Following this convention for both multiplication and division is recommended. You can use various recognized value attributes like px, pt, em, etc., except 'auto' which is handled differently by browsers. It's unfortunate that using "center-row:image" (sic) or "center-col:image" (sic) wasn't incorporated as methods for centering images. Seems almost too straightforward, doesn't it?

Answer №3

Follow these steps to center your content:

<div class="centered"> this will be centered
    <div class="content"> your text here </div>

Update your CSS for .content

.content {
    position: relative;
    left: 50%; //adjust this value to center the .content div

Check out the JS Fiddle Demo

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