Center Title on Wheelnav.js Circle

I am currently utilizing Wheelnav js and attempting to align each title within the circle’s red region. However, I seem to be overlooking something crucial in the process. Can someone please help me identify what I may be missing? Additionally, I am looking to enable mouse scrolling for item navigation, but it doesn’t seem to work at the moment (although clicking on the menu items is functional).

Thank you.

var wheel = new wheelnav("wheelDiv");
wheel.wheelRadius = wheel.wheelRadius * 2;//2
wheel.navItemsContinuous = true;
wheel.sliceAngle = 8;
wheel.colors = colorpalette.gamebookers;
wheel.slicePathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice;

var anchorAttr = "middle";
wheel.titleFont1 = "200 24px Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif";
wheel.titleFont2 = "200 34px Impact, Charcoal, sans-serif";
wheel.titleAttr = {fill: "#bbb", textAlign: "left", font: wheel.titleFont1,"text-anchor":anchorAttr};
wheel.titleHoverAttr = {font: wheel.titleFont1, cursor: 'pointer',"text-anchor":anchorAttr};
wheel.titleSelectedAttr = { fill: "#000", textAlign: "left", font: wheel.titleFont2,"text-anchor":anchorAttr};

wheel.animatetime = 500;
wheel.animateeffect = 'linear';

wheel.createWheel(["Menu Item -1","Menu - 2","Active Menu Item","Menu - 4","Menu Item - 5","Menu - 6","Active Menu Item","Menu - 8"]);

Answer №1

After running the initWheel function, you have the ability to adjust the properties of each navItem individually. Title positioning can be customized using slicePathCustomization.

wheel.initWheel(["Menu Item -1", "Menu - 2", "Active Menu Item", "Menu - 4", "Menu Item - 5", "Menu - 6", "Active Menu Item", "Menu - 8"]);

wheel.sliceInitPathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice;
wheel.navItems[0].sliceInitPathCustom = new slicePathCustomization();
wheel.navItems[0].sliceInitPathCustom.titleRadiusPercent = 0.1;
wheel.slicePathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice;
wheel.navItems[0].slicePathCustom = new slicePathCustomization();
wheel.navItems[0].slicePathCustom.titleRadiusPercent = 0.2;
wheel.sliceHoverPathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice;
wheel.navItems[0].sliceHoverPathCustom = new slicePathCustomization();
wheel.navItems[0].sliceHoverPathCustom.titleRadiusPercent = 0.3;
wheel.sliceSelectedPathFunction = slicePath().NullSlice;
wheel.navItems[0].sliceSelectedPathCustom = new slicePathCustomization();
wheel.navItems[0].sliceSelectedPathCustom.titleRadiusPercent = 0.4;


To learn more about customization options, visit this resource.

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