Can you show me how to achieve a smooth background color transition for a div that takes 2 seconds to complete when it is inserted into the DOM?

On my webpage, I have a list of items that are constantly being updated via a WebSocket connection to the backend. Each time a new item is added to the list, I would like it to be displayed with a background color transition lasting only a brief moment. How can I create a CSS style that achieves this effect, transitioning the background color for just one or two seconds upon initial rendering?

Answer №1

When it comes to triggering animations for newly created items, CSS alone is not capable of handling this task. Instead, you will need to utilize JavaScript to add the element and trigger the animation - or implement a MutationObserver to detect such events.

One approach is to define the animation in CSS and then apply the corresponding class using JavaScript when creating the element. Alternatively, you could set up a transition for the background-color in CSS and then modify the CSS background-color property using JavaScript.

A third possibility, depending on your use of a framework and its capabilities, is to handle the animation purely with JavaScript.

Answer №2

CSS keyframe animations are utilized by defining a CSS class with an animation property that has a duration of 2 seconds. The keyframe specified will enable a smooth transition for background changes.

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