Can you explain the significance of "q" and "+" within the CSS properties of the HTML body tag?

This solution for question #2 on CSSBattle is considered one of the best. However, the use of the ""+"" sign and ""q"" in this single line of code is perplexing.

<body bgcolor=62375 style=margin:0+50;border:dashed+53q#fdc57b;clip-path:inset(53q+0>

Through my research, I have discovered that ""q"" typically represents a quotation mark and ""+"" serves as the CSS adjacent selector. However, their presence in this specific line of code seems illogical.

Answer №1

One q in CSS is an absolute length unit equivalent to 1/40th of 1cm.


In the inline style tag, quotes are optional and not necessary for it to work correctly.

border:dashed + 53q #fdc57b;: This code snippet creates a dashed border with a width of 53q and ends with a specific color. The `+ 53q' part is a CSS selector.

The '+' symbol in CSS represents an adjacent sibling combinator, which connects two sequences of simple selectors with the same parent where the second one immediately follows the first.

If you were to view this code in a browser and adjust the value of 53, you would see the size of the dashed border change accordingly. Removing the value would result in small dashes instead of a solid line.

It's unclear why there are missing closing parentheses in clip-path:inset(53q+0, but despite this error, the code still functions as intended.

Answer №2

q is a unit of measurement, similar to px.
+ represents an escaped space.
To see the border effect, you must increase the height of the body by adding body{height: 100vh}.

In essence, this code includes a 53px dashed border and then removes the top and bottom 53px of the body, leaving a dashed border only on the left and right sides.

body {
  height: 100vh
<body bgcolor=62375 style=margin:0+50;border:dashed+53q#fdc57b;clip-path:inset(53q+0>

body {
    background-color: rgb(98, 55, 80);
    margin: 0 50px;
    border: dashed 53q #fdc57b;
    clip-path: inset(53q 0);

body {
  height: 100vh

Answer №3

In the world of CSS, the + sign serves two different purposes: 1 - When used in the selector part, it acts as a combinator (adjacent siblings). For example: div+p{...} 2- However, when used within a CSS rule, the + sign replaces a single space. For instance: selector{margin:50+50} is equivalent to selector{margin:50 50}, although there are some exceptions to consider. For example, selector{border:10px solid red} is not the same as selector{border:10px+solid+red}

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