Can you assist with transforming the html, css, and js code into a svelte format using style lang="postcss" specifically for tailwind?

I'm attempting to transform this shining button from a codepen I discovered into a svelte component, but for some reason the sparkles don't appear. I'm unsure if it's relevant, but I'm also utilizing Tailwind CSS, so my style tag has the attribute lang="postcss". Here's the codepen where I sourced these from: These elements constitute the button:


<div class="sparkle-button">
    <span class="spark"></span>
    <!-- <span class="spark"></span> -->
    <span class="backdrop"></span>
    <svg class="sparkle" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
      <path d="M14.187 8.096L15 5.25L15.813 8.096C16.0231 8.83114 16.4171 9.50062 16.9577 10.0413C17.4984 10.5819 18.1679 10.9759 18.903 11.186L21.75 12L18.904 12.813C18.1689 13.0231 17.4994 13.4171 16.9587 13.9577C16.4181 14.4984 16.0241 15.1679 15.814 15.903L15 18.75L14.187 15.904C13.9769 15.168...
    <span class="text">Generate Site</span>
  <div class="bodydrop"></div>
  <span aria-hidden="true" class="particle-pen">


*:before {
    box-sizing: border-box;
:root {
    --transition: 0.25s;

button svg {
    inline-size: 1.25em;
    translate: -25% -5%;


// JavaScript used to set randomness for particles.
// Could be done via SSR

const RANDOM = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)
const PARTICLES = document.querySelectorAll('.particle')
PARTICLES.forEach(P => {
    P.setAttribute('style', `
        --x: ${RANDOM(20, 80)};
        --y: ${RANDOM(20, 80)};
        --duration: ${RANDOM(6, 20)};
        --delay: ${RANDOM(1, 10)};
        --alpha: ${RANDOM(40, 90) / 100};
        --origin-x: ${Math.random() > 0.5 ? RANDOM(300, 800) * -1 : RANDOM(300, 800)}%;
        --origin-y: ${Math.random() > 0.5 ? RANDOM(300, 800) * -1 : RANDOM(300, 800)}%;
        --size: ${RANDOM(40, 90) / 100};

Answer №1

It is not recommended to use DOM querying because the elements will only exist once the component is fully mounted.

Instead of manually duplicating particles, utilize {#each}, and apply randomized styling directly in the HTML.

The CSS used in the demo targets elements outside the component, which would require the use of :global(...). In a real application, styling the body with a button might not be ideal.

To condense JS and HTML:

    const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min);

<div class="sparkle-button">
    <span class="spark" />
    <span class="backdrop" />
    <svg class="sparkle" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" xmlns="">
      ...svg path data...
    <span class="text">Generate Site</span>
  <div class="bodydrop" />
  <span aria-hidden="true" class="particle-pen">
    {#each { length: 20 } as _}
        ...randomized styling...


Move the random helper function into @const within the #each loop to eliminate the need for a script tag altogether. Style properties can also be set using style:property, although this may result in significant duplication.

{#each { length: 20 } as _}
  {@const random = (min, max) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)}
    ...randomized styling...

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