Can we use a JavaScript MutationObserver to continuously monitor the presence and removal of elements?

Being new to the world of MutationObserver, I am trying to grasp how to detect the existence or permanent removal of an element. I stumbled upon an example that seemed promising, but it only works for detecting the element's presence once - not its removal or subsequent re-appearance.


<button onclick="appendS()">add message</button>
<button onclick="remove()">remove message</button>
<div id='imobserved'></div>


button{padding:30px; margin: 10px;}
#imobserved{border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px;}


function appendS(){
  let s = document.createElement('span'); = "message";
  s.innerText = "some message !"

function remove(){
  document.querySelector('#imobserved').innerHTML = "";

function waitForAddedNode(params) {
    new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
        var el = document.getElementById(;
        if (el) {
    }).observe(params.parent || document, {
        subtree: !!params.recursive || !params.parent,
        childList: true,

// Usage:

    id: 'message',
    parent: document.querySelector('#imobserved'),
    recursive: false,
    done: function(el) {
        alert('i see you')

Answer №1

const observedEl = document.querySelector('#imobserved')

function append() {
  const messageSpan = document.createElement('span'); = "message";
  messageSpan.innerText = "This is a new message!";


function remove() {
  if (observedEl.lastChild) {

const observer = new MutationObserver(function(changes) {
  const changeType = changes[0].addedNodes.length > 0 ? 'Element added' : 'Element removed';

observer.observe(observedEl, {
  subtree: true,
  childList: true
button {
  padding: 30px;
  margin: 10px;

#imobserved {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 10px;
<button onclick="append()">Add New Message</button>
<button onclick="remove()">Remove Message</button>
<div id='imobserved'></div>

Answer №2

Here are some tips to help you achieve your goal. I made a few modifications to your code
First and foremost, avoid creating multiple DOM elements with the same ID as it is not considered good practice. The MutationObserver callback provides ample information, including details about added and removed nodes.

Feel free to test the snippet below to observe its behavior.

function appendS() {
  let s = document.createElement("span");
  s.innerText = "some message !";

function remove() {
  document.querySelector("#imobserved").innerHTML = "";

function waitForAddedNode(params) {
  new MutationObserver(function (mutationsList) {
    for (const mutation of mutationsList) {
      if (mutation.addedNodes.length) {

      if (mutation.removedNodes.length) {
  }).observe(params.parent, {
    childList: true,
    subtree: true

  parent: document.querySelector("#imobserved"),
  recursive: false,
  onAdd: function (elements) {
    alert("i see you added new element");
  onDelete: function (elements) {
    alert("i see you removed " + elements.length + " elements");

const addBtn = document.querySelector("#add");
const removeBtmn = document.querySelector("#remove");

addBtn.addEventListener("click", appendS);
removeBtmn.addEventListener("click", remove);
button {
  padding: 30px;
  margin: 10px;
#imobserved {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 10px;
    <button id="add">add message</button>
    <button id="remove">remove message</button>
    <div id="imobserved"></div>

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