Can using .wrap( ) negate the styling effects of the wrapper?

I am struggling with centering a button on my webpage. Currently, I have the following code for creating the button:

var button = ($('<button>', {
        "id": "jspsych-free-sort-done-btn",
        "class": "jspsych-free-sort",
        "html": "Done",

After some research, I found a solution on stackoverflow that suggested using .wrap() to add a wrapper div in order to center the button:

button.wrap("<div style='text-align:center'> </div>");

However, it seems like the button is not getting centered with this approach. Does .wrap() cancel the wrapper's style properties? If so, can someone please guide me on how to properly center my button? Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

One issue that may arise is related to the timing of wrapping the element and how the button is inserted into the DOM.

If you wrap the button before adding it to the DOM, then directly add the button without its parent element, the wrapped div will not be included in the DOM. As a result, the wrapping effect will not take place.

To address this, wrap the button first, then add the button's parent element to the DOM using the following code:

var button = ($('<button>', {
  "id": "jspsych-free-sort-done-btn",
  "class": "jspsych-free-sort",
  "html": "Done"

button.wrap("<div style='text-align:center'> </div>");

<script src=""></script>

Answer №2

To enhance the appearance of your wrap, consider setting a specific width with width:100%; text-align:center;. In addition, I suggest including

margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;
in the styling of my button for better alignment.

Answer №3

Using the <span>wrap()</span> method will create a parent element around the <span>button</span> object, allowing you to target it with the <span>parent()</span> function. Alternatively, you can wrap the element after appending it by using its ID.

var button = $('<button>', {
    "id": "new-button",
    "class": "custom-class",
    "html": "Click Me"
}).wrap("<div style='text-align:center'></div>").parent();
<script src=""></script>

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