Can the `lang` attribute be used in a `style` tag to specify the CSS preprocessor language for VueJS? Are there any disadvantages to using this method?

Occasionally, I notice people incorporating code like this:

<style lang="scss"> ... </style>

<style lang="stylus"> ... </style>

I checked the documentation for the style tag and found that lang is not a valid attribute. Is it advisable to use lang in this way when creating scoped styles involving additional CSS preprocessor languages?

Answer №1

The Vue loader guide strongly emphasizes the need to follow this specific instruction. It's not just a suggestion but rather a requirement for the feature to function properly.

Although it blatantly violates the HTML standard by using the lang attribute with custom values, JavaScript frameworks and components often prioritize functionality over adhering to standards. In many cases, they choose convenience over compliance, skipping the data- prefix to save time and effort. However, in my opinion, this is simply a weak excuse for overlooking proper coding practices.

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