This particular issue is quite strange.
Setting "float: none;" appears to be preventing the execution of Javascript (ng-click).
new.html.haml (where "float: none;" is located)
.container{ng: {controller: 'sample_1_controller'}}
%li crumb1
%li crumb2
= render "shared/menu"
.content_left{:style => "float: none; margin: 0 auto;"}
%form{:action => "", "ng-submit" => "verify_method($event)"}
%div blahblahblah
%button{:type => "submit"} Proceed
shared/_menu.html.haml (where "ng-click" exists)
%a{'ng-click' => "toggle_menu()"} Menu
%div blahblahblah
Since "shared/menu" is included everywhere, the toggle_menu() method is defined in, which has a broader scope than sample_1_controller. (location of "toggle_menu()")
$scope.toggle_menu = ()->
console.log "Clicked!!!!"
We are all set now...
If I take out "float: none;", the Console displays "Clicked!!!!".
If I keep "float: none;", the Console does not display "Clicked!!!!".
Quite peculiar....