Can multiple if statements be executed simultaneously in plain Javascript? If yes, what is the method to do so?

Currently, I'm developing a game using canvas in HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. I've successfully created two characters with movement controls assigned to player 1 and player 2. However, a challenge arises when waiting for one player to move their character before the other player can input their movements.

Player 1 navigates using the WAD keys while Player 2 uses the arrow keys. The issue lies in the inability to have both players press their respective buttons simultaneously. One character remains stagnant if their key was pressed first while the other character moves. Additionally, executing a combination move such as jumping and moving right at the same time becomes problematic. Currently, the system involves redrawing the characters (squares) to different positions based on the key inputs.

    var canvas;
    var context;
    var framesPerSecond = 30;
    var player1X = 110;
    var player1Y = 650;
    var gravity1 = 1;

    var player2X = 810;
    var player2Y = 650;
    var gravity2 = 1;

    window.onload = function(){
        canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
        context = canvas.getContext("2d");
        console.log("Onload Working");

        }, 1000/framesPerSecond);

        document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event){

    function drawEverything(){
        //move player 1
        if(player1Y < 450){
            player1Y = 450;
        else if(player1Y < 650){
            player1Y += gravity1;
            gravity1 += 1;
        else if(player1Y === 650){
            player1Y = 650;
            gravity1 = 1;
        //move Player2
        if(player2Y < 450){
            player2Y = 450;
        else if(player2Y < 650){
            player2Y += gravity2;
            gravity2 += 1;
        else if(player2Y === 650){
            player2Y = 650;
            gravity2 = 1;
        colorRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 'white');
        colorRect(0, 690, canvas.width, 10, '#7e7e7e');
        colorRect(player1X, player1Y, 40, 40, '#7F0019');
        colorRect(player2X, player2Y, 40, 40, '#003366');

    function MoveEverything(event){
        var key_press = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode);
        var key_code = event.keyCode;
        console.log(key_code, key_press);
        //player 1 movement
        if(key_press == "D"){
            player1X += 10; 
        else if(key_press == "A"){
            player1X -= 10;
        else if(key_press == "W"){
            player1Y -= 200;
        else if(key_code == 39){
            player2X += 10;
        else if(key_code == 37){
            player2X -= 10;
        else if(key_code == 38){
            player2Y -= 200;

    function colorRect(leftX, leftY, width, height, color){
        context.fillStyle = color;
        context.fillRect(leftX, leftY, width, height);

I am considering whether executing the 'if statements' simultaneously would resolve this issue. If not, are there alternative solutions that could help overcome this obstacle?

Answer №1

No, JavaScript follows a single-threaded approach and introducing multithreading would not effectively resolve the issue at hand as it may lead to race conditions.

In order to address the problem, consider creating temporary variables for each changing value and applying them after the completion of all the conditional statements.

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