Can JS variables be recycled in any manner?

I'm currently working on building a simplified version of an online citation generator. This project involves creating over 20 input boxes, each requiring the user to enter an author's name. To streamline this process, I've divided the author’s name into two variables - lname and fname. My getElementById function will consist of these variables along with additional factors based on the specific requirements.

Within the JavaScript code, I have defined the variable 'lname' which corresponds to the first input box. However, when attempting to use the same variable for the second input box, it outputs the data from the initial box. While I could create a separate function for each input box, I believe there should be a way to reuse a variable from one function in another. Is this possible?

// JS function examples...

// CSS styling for grid layout... // HTML forms for entering citation details...

Answer №1

If you're facing the issue of not being able to reuse IDs, I suggest assigning classes to the inputs instead. Then within your BIB function, you can pass this and navigate through the parent element to access the child inputs.

function bib(el) {
  var _parent = el.parentNode.parentNode;
  var lname = _parent.querySelector(".lname").value;
  var fname = _parent.querySelector(".fname").value;
  var title = _parent.querySelector(".title").value;
  var city = _parent.querySelector(".city").value;
  var corp = _parent.querySelector(".comp").value;
  var pub = _parent.querySelector(".pub").value;
  _parent.querySelector(".cite").innerHTML = lname + ", " + fname + "." + title + "." + city + "." + corp + "." + pub + ".";
  display: grid;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  grid: 500px / auto auto auto auto;
  grid-gap: 10px;
  background-color: #2196F3;
  padding: 10px;

.grid > div {
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
  text-align: left;
  padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
  font-size: 16px;


.output {
    height: 150px;
    width: 255px;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
  word-wrap: break-word;
@media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
  /* For mobile phones: */
.grid {
    width: 100%;
<h1> MLA Sourcing</h1>
<h2> Print Sourcing</h2>
<p> Enter the information in the appropriate box for your print source, click generate, copy to clipboard
  <br>and paste into your work boxes</p>
<!--single author-->
<!--single author-->

<div class="grid">
        <h3> Bib a Book or Article -<br> Single Author </h3>
        <input class="float lname" placeholder="Author Last Name"></input><br>
        <input class="float fname" placeholder="Author First Name"></input><br>

        <input class="float title" placeholder="Book/ Article Title"></input><br>
        <input class="float city" placeholder="City of Publication"></input><br>
        <input class="float comp" placeholder="Press Company"></input><br>
        <input class="float pub" placeholder="(last) Year of Publication"></input><br>

      <p> <button onClick="bib(this)">Generate</button></p>

         <h3> Citation</h3>
        <p class="output cite"></p>
        <button>copy to clipboard</button>

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