Can IE Conditional Comments have a negative impact on page speed?

Debates between "CSS hacks" and "Conditional Comments" have become a regular occurrence for me lately, so I wanted to hear the thoughts of the Stack Overflow community on this topic.

<!--[if IE]>
 <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ie-specific.css" /> 

One common argument against using IE Conditional Comments is that it adds extra HTTP requests, potentially slowing down page load times. However, I haven't found any concrete data either supporting or refuting this claim.

Apart from the discussion about managing multiple stylesheets versus one stylesheet (which is worth considering in its own right), has anyone conducted tests to determine the extent of slowdown caused by using Conditional Comments? Or could you direct me to any existing research on this topic?

Answer №1

It's not exactly about conditional comments, but more like conditional compilation.

When viewed in an IE browser, your page will include:

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="ie-specific.css" />

(with a slight bit of extra processing to evaluate the comment condition).

A non-IE browser will simply see a comment there.

The only potential performance impact is that IE browsers need to evaluate the conditional comment condition (which should be minimal), and then include another CSS file. Other browsers just see the generic file and ignore the comment completely.

So, the question arises - what are the advantages and disadvantages of serving IE a (let's say) 5Kb standards-compliant CSS file followed by a (let's say) 2Kb "hacks" file, while everyone else gets the 5Kb file only; versus serving everyone a single 7Kb file with less reliable CSS in it? Depending on factors such as network speed, file size, overall resource usage on the page, etc., this may or may not have a noticeable impact on performance in the case of IE (although it will certainly be faster for non-IE user agents).

As with any performance-related query, you'll need to analyze your code in your specific environment to determine the actual impact. However, as a general rule, I would anticipate a negligible impact for IE, a slight performance improvement for all other browsers, along with the satisfaction of being able to write "proper" CSS in your main file and address IE separately.

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