Can anyone help me determine the reason why my CSS is being displayed as struck-through in Google Chrome?

After successfully running my app on localhost, I encountered CSS issues when deploying it on Heroku. Some of the CSS appears as struck-through in Chrome. How can I identify what is overriding my styling?

Answer №1

While examining the inspector, it is likely that you will come across multiple occurrences of the same attributes (such as 2 different font declarations). The crossed out attribute will not be applied and will be overridden (potentially by either your CSS file's order or JS overriding it). Take a close look at the inspector and filter by the name of the struck out attribute. This will reveal what is overriding it: then click on the file name in the top right corner to highlight the line where the CSS is located. Use this information to identify the cause of the crossed out CSS. To resolve this issue: try to avoid declaring multiple attributes for the same element (e.g. do not set text size for the same element in two different places); Utilize classes and IDs to simplify setting attributes for different elements (IDs will always take precedence over classes); If you cannot avoid using duplicate attributes (e.g. if an external style sheet that you cannot modify is applying styles), ensure that the attribute you want to apply is declared after the existing ones, as CSS will use the last attribute read (e.g. if you set the background color to orange in one place but then define it as green further down your code, it will be green). As a last resort, you can use the !important rule, which will override all other declarations. However, this is not recommended and should be avoided as it complicates debugging by disrupting the natural cascading order in your stylesheets.(source:

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