Can a placeholder pseudo-element possess pseudo-classes?

I am looking to create an animation for the appearance and disappearance of the placeholder pseudo-element in an input[type=text]. My initial approach was to apply styles, including transitions, to pseudo-classes like :active in order to achieve this effect. However, I have been unsuccessful in finding a method to accomplish this.

I attempted to convert the placeholder pseudo-element into an absolutely positioned block, but that strategy did not yield the desired outcome. Despite trying other tactics, I have not been able to make meaningful progress on this issue.

P.S. I suspect that this functionality may either be restricted by CSS3 specifications or not addressed at all. While this is understandable, with CSS4 on the horizon someday, I anticipate that new solutions may arise in response to my question over time through advancements in history.

Answer №1

It appears that this behavior may not align with CSS3 specifications, or it could simply be overlooked altogether.

Selectors 4 explains that the inclusion of user action pseudo-classes for a pseudo-element varies based on the specific pseudo-element. For instance, Pseudo-Elements 4, which introduces the ::placeholder pseudo-element, does not clarify its compatibility with pseudo-classes.

Given this information, one can deduce that such behavior is likely not permitted within CSS3 guidelines. This restriction makes sense since placeholders do not have interactive properties, therefore making the utilization of user action pseudo-classes on the ::placeholder pseudo-element redundant.

If your aim is to animate the appearance and disappearance of a placeholder when the corresponding form control gains or loses focus, it is advisable to apply pseudo-classes to the form control itself and style the placeholder accordingly based on its state.

Additionally, as stated by Pseudo-Elements 4, only properties feasible for ::first-line can also be utilized for ::placeholder.

While there are potential solutions in CSS4's future developments

Contrary to common belief, both selectors-4 and css-pseudo-4 are integral components of CSS3 specifications.

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