Can a Material UI Select element be made unresponsive to hover effects?

When a user hovers over an element, I want to achieve the following functionality:

document.getElementById("dropdownCategory").disabled = true;

        <Tooltip arrow placement="right" title={props.description} >
            <FormControl id="dropdownCategory" >
                <InputLabel id="demo-simple-select-label" >{props.title} - {props.price}€</InputLabel>
                    { => (
                        <MenuItem value={l} key={l}>{l}</MenuItem>

This component needs to be disabled when the user hovers over it with their mouse

Answer №1

To dynamically change the enabled state of the Select based on whether the mouse is hovering over it, you can toggle the disabled property by detecting when the mouse enters and exits the component.

Initially, create a variable to keep track of the hover state of the Select. If you are using a functional component, utilize the useState hook for this purpose:

const [isHovering, setIsHovering] = useState(false);

Next, update the Select component to include the following changes:


Lastly, implement functions to manage the mouse entering and leaving events:

const handleMouseEnter = (e) => { setIsHovering(true); }
const handleMouseLeave = (e) => { setIsHovering(false); }

You may need to adjust the logic if the mouse hovers over the MenuItems instead of the Select, but these steps provide a foundation for achieving the desired hover effect.

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