By simply clicking a button in a React component, I aim to alter the font style of the text

function makeTextBold() {
  const boldText = document.querySelector('.form-control'); = 'bold';

When I click the button, it redirects me to a blank page in the browser.

Answer №1

When utilizing the getElementsByClassName method, it will retrieve a collection of elements with the specified classes.

If dealing with a single element, consider using .querySelector instead.

Alternatively, if you are set on using the getElementsByClassName method, iterate through the collection using a for loop or utilize the .find() method to target the specific element and apply desired styles.

In React, it is recommended to use refs rather than directly manipulating elements with DOM APIs.

Answer №2

It seems you are on the right track with utilizing state, but it is best to avoid mixing native DOM operations with React. React has its own way of updating the DOM which can cause conflicts with traditional methods like using getElementsByClassName to update styles.

In this example, there is a function triggered by a button click that updates the state, changing a concatenated array of class names based on the state. If the state is true, the "italic" class is added and this class string can then be applied to elements in your code.

Note that the style modifications only affect inputs 1 & 3 in this scenario.

const { useState } = React;

function Example() {

  const [ italic, setItalic ] = useState(false);

  function handleClick() {

  const controlStyle = [
    italic && 'italic'
  ].join(' ');

  return (
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Click me</button>


  <Example />,
.form-control { color: red; }
.italic { font-style: italic; color: blue; }
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="react"></div>

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