Browser disregards backslashes in the content of pseudo elements

I have been struggling with a simple issue for quite some time now, and I seem to be out of ideas.

The problem lies in the styling of a CSS pseudo-element before, which is defined as follows:

    color: #78be20;
    content: "\e622";
    font-family: icons;

However, when viewed on the browser, it only displays 622 instead of the desired icon. Upon inspecting the pseudo tag, I noticed that the content value is "e622". Even though adding "\" manually in the debugger resolves this, it doesn't seem to be recognized by the CSS.

I am running low on explanations as to why this discrepancy is occurring.

Answer №1

Make sure you have correctly imported the icon font and are using the correct hex code. Here is a demonstration to show that it is working as expected...

@import url("");

    color: #78be20;
    content: "\e0cd"; /* different code, but same effect */
    font-family: 'Material Icons';

/* class is pre-defined in @import (default <parent>color, 24px) */
.material-icons { color: #78be20; font-size: 16px; }

  Find the codes and ligatures for Material Icons at:

<div id="fPhone"> a phone</div>
<div><i class="material-icons">phone</i> using ligature name</div>

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