Browser causing images to display with unnecessary spacing on mobile screens

My Bootstrap 5 page is designed with multiple sections featuring different background colors, and I've incorporated ragged edge images to create irregular borders between some of these sections:

The top image resides in the blue section, while the bottom one is part of the green section. Due to the seamless alignment, they appear connected to the middle section. This layout looks great on desktop but when viewed on a mobile screen, the browser introduces a gap between the image and the section border:

I've ruled out the possibility of it being related to SVG files as I even converted them into PNGs without resolving the issue. In my actual code, the SVGs are linked externally rather than inline as shown here. Despite inspecting the code using F12 tool, I couldn't find any margin or padding values causing this inconsistency.

Any suggestions?

Answer №1

After some searching, I came across a helpful solution in a different SO post.

Dealing with extra space below images inside a div

It turns out that the issue arises from images being set to display:inline, which adds extra space to accommodate text with ascending or descending letters.

To resolve this problem in my case, switching the display setting of the image elements to block (using the d-block class in Bootstrap) did the trick.

Answer №2

Encountered a similar issue and I resolved it by enclosing the SVG sections within a <div> element set to 100% width with no padding or margin. This should fix the problem you are facing.

<div class="container-fluid bg-primary px-0">
  <div class="container">
    <p class="py-5 mb-0">Some Content</p>
  <div class="w-100 m-0 p-0">
      <svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 1491 57.8" style="enable-background:new 0 0 1491 57.8;" xml:space="preserve">
        <style type="text/css">.st0 { fill: #F6F4F1; }</style>
        <path class="st0" d="M-1.2,64c0-23,0-37.2,0-36.5c0,20.9,22.8-6,36.6-6s19.8-1,39.6-1s32.7-2,37.7-2s78.3,2,84.2,2s55.5,4,67.4,4 s42.6,6,90.2,3s166.4-1,166.4-1s46.6-9,54.5-3s48.5,1,76.3,1s27.7-1,58.5,2s78.3,3,101,0s66.4-3,66.4-3s45.6-2,50.5,1s55.5,3,78.3,0 c22.8-3,51.5-5,61.4-3s59.4,9,68.4,6s42.6-2,48.6-4s49.5-4,58.4-3s48.6,3,48.6,3s5.9-8,22.8-8c16.8,0,23.8-2,29.7,0s21.8,11,37.7,11 s22.8-6,30.7-6s24.8-1,47.6-2s31-1.1,31-1.1l0.2,47C1491.3,63-1.2,62.6-1.2,64z"/>

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