Bring in styles from the API within Angular

My goal is to retrieve styles from an API and dynamically render components based on those styles.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { StyleService } from "./style.service";
import { Style } from "./models/style";

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styles: [``]

export class AppComponent {
  header: boolean;
  footer: boolean;
  style: string;
  constructor(private styleService: StyleService) {}

  ngOnInit() {

  retrieveStyles() {
      business: 'sekeh'
      (val) => {
        this.header = val.header,
        this.footer = val.footer, =
      response => {
        console.log("Error in POST call", response);
      () => {
        console.log("The POST observable has been completed.");

I have a couple of questions. Do I have access to the style property in the AppComponent class so that I can add new styles to the array? Alternatively, can I store the API styles in a variable and then set the styles property to that variable?

Answer №1

Utilizing NgStyle allows for the modification of styles within the HTML element it is applied to. By setting one or more style properties using colon-separated key-value pairs.


By defining properties like this:

customCssProperties = {
        "padding-top": "5px",
        "margin-left": "5px",
        "color": "red"

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