Breaking free from JavaScript[/CSS] within <script>[/<style>] tags: Discovering the flaws in the current system

Being primarily a server-side web developer, my exposure to JavaScript has been limited to externally referenced files and event handlers with minimal initialization functions between <script> tags.

Recently, I discovered that the data within <script> tags is not typically escaped and cannot be escaped without causing issues for the JavaScript parser in all browsers. This realization brought to light the challenge of using CDATA for in-HTML JavaScript blocks to pass validation in XHTML.

As someone who values encoding and escaping standards, I find this exemption from HTML escaping rules for <script> (unlike JS-event handlers such as onclick) puzzling. Why was this decision made? Was it a result of historical development or a deliberate choice?

The same inconsistency applies to CSS and the <style> tag. Is there a specific reason behind these exceptions, or has the rationale been lost over time?

Answer №1

Using characters like & and < in scripts is a common need, but escaping them can be cumbersome.

However, tags like <script> and <style> do not allow for child elements, so there is no need to easily include a tag within them.

This is why HTML defines <script> and <style> as containing CDATA in the DTD, eliminating the need to manually handle it in the document and simplifying things.

In contrast, XHTML operates differently. With XML being simpler than SGML in many ways, its DTDs do not have the same feature. As a result, explicit CDATA markers (or entities) are necessary in XHTML. The confusion arises when people label their XHTML as HTML by serving it with a text/html content-type instead of application/xhtml+xml, causing complications.

When it comes to intrinsic event attributes, SGML does not provide a way to specify that special characters should not be treated as such. It is recommended to keep event attribute contents minimal, focusing on function calls, or better yet, avoiding them in favor of unobtrusive JavaScript.

Answer №2

One of the reasons CDATA is important in Javascript is because it involves characters that must be escaped in HTML. Do you agree?

Which do you find more logical?

if (5 &gt; 4 &amp;&amp; 2 &lt; 3) alert('dude');


if (5 > 4 && 2 < 3) alert('dude');

In most cases, CSS and Javascript should be linked to separate files instead of being inline in HTML to avoid any escaping issues altogether.

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