Bootstrap | Problem with adapting navbar for different screen sizes

I am currently faced with an issue while creating a website using Bootstrap. Specifically, I have a prominent logo on the left side of my navbar and six navigation items on the right. When viewing the website on a smaller XS screen size, the navigation items collapse into a hamburger menu as intended. However, before collapsing, they end up floating below the logo, which is not the desired behavior.

If you would like to see a demonstration of this issue, please try resizing the webpage at the following link:

One suggested solution found on Stack Overflow was to adjust the collapse width. Nevertheless, I have discovered that this approach may not be optimal because different devices may have varying heights and zoom levels, making the fixed width unreliable across all platforms.

Could anyone provide guidance on the best practice to address this problem? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To create a unique design, consider customizing your Bootstrap layout at Adjust the Media queries breakpoints to tailor the design to your needs. While Bootstrap provides a solid foundation, feel free to customize it to suit your preferences.

Another approach is to resize the logo to make it responsive by using maximum width settings.

You can also downscale the logo container div with media queries for a more tailored solution. By ensuring the logo image remains responsive, you can have a collapsed menu only for smaller screens while larger resolutions maintain an un-collapsed menu.

Answer №2

The problem arises when the navbar collapses at a certain breakpoint. By default, this is set to XS screen, which is less than 768px. Due to the amount of content, the navbar-collapse gets pushed under the navbar-header.

To resolve this issue, you can adjust the breakpoint for navbar-collapse to sm or md screens by changing the width. This method has proven effective in my experience.

Another approach is to utilize media queries to make navbar elements smaller and adapt to different screen sizes. For example, reducing the size of your logo as the screen width decreases can help ensure that the navigation fits seamlessly.

Answer №3

To address this issue, consider utilizing CSS for resolution. One potential fix could involve eliminating the max-height property within your navbar.

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