Bootstrap button statuses confirmed

I am trying to implement a checked state for group checkboxes in Bootstrap 3.0.2. documentation

This is the HTML code snippet:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
        <label class="btn btn-default">
        <input type="checkbox" name="123" data-toggle="button"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></span> 123
      <label class="btn btn-default">
        <input type="checkbox" name="456"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-star-empty"></span> 456

However, the data-toggle="button" does not seem to be working correctly. Here is the jsfiddle link for reference.

Any suggestions on how to resolve this issue? Thank you.

Answer №1

To verify the input, remember to include the checked property. This won't visually show it as checked, but it's essential if you want the input to be pre-checked in a form.

<input type="checkbox" name="123" data-toggle="button" checked>

To visually show it as checked or pressed, add the .active class to the .btn label surrounding it.

 <label class="btn btn-default active">

If data-toggle="buttons" isn't working, it may be connected to this issue:

As a workaround, you can achieve the same result using JavaScript like so:

$('.btn-group').on('input', 'change', function(){
   var checkbox = $(this);
   var label = checkbox.parent('label');
   if (':checked'))  {
   else {

Answer №2

After a few years have passed, I felt it was necessary to tackle the root cause of the issue regarding the malfunctioning data-toggle="button".

The solution involved removing the data-toggle="button" from the <input> elements.

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
    <label class="btn btn-default">
        <input type="checkbox" name="123"> 123
    <label class="btn btn-default">
        <input type="checkbox" name="456"> 456

Answer №3

To resolve this issue, I created a custom attribute to store the state of the checkbox (active or not), and then I updated this value within the click event using jQuery.

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
  <label class="btn btn-primary active check_button" id="check1">
    <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" checked data-checked=true> Checkbox 1 (pre-checked)
  <label class="btn btn-primary check_button" id="check2">
    <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" data-checked=false> Checkbox 2
  <label class="btn btn-primary check_button" id="check3">
    <input type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" data-checked=false> Checkbox 3

For a practical demonstration, you can view the live example on this fiddle:

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