Boost your website's loading time by utilizing the async and defer attributes

Looking to enhance the speed of my webpage, particularly focusing on improving initial page speed. Research suggests that using the async and defer attributes for JavaScript can be beneficial. All JavaScript scripts are currently placed just above the closing </body> tag. Can you provide recommendations on how to effectively utilize these attributes in my specific page setup?


<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/static/css/style/mystyle.css"> 

<!--HTML content-->

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src = ""></script>

google analytics script


Answer №1

To implement defer:

<script src="path" defer="defer"></script>

To utilize async:

<script src="path" async="async"></script>

When is it appropriate to use defer/async?

If you require your scripts to load asynchronously while the HTML and CSS are loading, using the async attribute will prompt the browser to load them in the background as other elements render.

Alternatively, if you need your scripts to load only after the HTML and CSS have fully loaded, then utilizing the defer attribute would be suitable.

It's crucial to exercise caution when employing this technique, as certain JavaScript functionalities may not behave as expected due to these attributes.

How can you maximize their effectiveness?

I recommend avoiding the use of async, as it may cause scripts to load out of order based on file size or dependencies, potentially impacting functionality. Instead, opt for defer to adhere to Google Page Speed recommendations for script loading order.

However, using defer may affect your website if some scripts should run before the document is fully ready. In such cases, it's best to prioritize the script execution over adhering strictly to Google Page Speed guidelines.

In the end, the choice between defer and async depends on your specific needs and script requirements.

Answer №2

Avoid altering anything or opting for defer universally.

Bootstrap necessitates the loading of jQuery (even though you're not directly establishing Bootstrap in this instance, but rather an Angular-Bootstrap template). Consequently, employing async to load either of these resources is not feasible. Furthermore, there is a substantial quantity of Angular resources being loaded, all contingent on the primary angular.min.js resource, thus using async here is also impractical.

You could elect to use defer universally, but it will not expedite the rendering of the page. The sole distinction lies in the fact that the scripts will execute upon total loading instead of sequentially (executing as they are downloaded), although this does not impact the overall page load time.

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