Book of Tales displaying Emotion Styling upon initial load only

I'm currently working with the styled api provided by emotion in order to create a custom styled button.

const StyledButton = styled(Button)`
  background-color: ${theme.palette.grey['800']};
  width: 50;
  height: 50;
  &:hover {
    background-color: ${theme.palette.grey['600']};
  & .MuiButton-label {
    color: #fff;

However, I am encountering an issue when showcasing this in Storybook as the styling only shows up on the initial render of the component.

Subsequently, when switching between components, the applied styling vanishes (both from computed properties and visual display).

The styling comes back into view once I refresh the page... Any suggestions on how to tackle this?

Answer №1

As I was crafting the question, a light bulb went off in my head and I stumbled upon the solution :P... Turns out there's an interesting note from MaterialUI regarding injection priority, prompting me to create a personalized decorator

export const withInjection = (story) => (
  <StylesProvider injectFirst>
    { story() }

that I then integrated into my preview.ts

// implementing style priority injection

and lo and behold, everything is now operating smoothly :)

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