blurring out of an input field and a division element

I am currently working on creating a dropdown suggestion box that hides when the input field and dropdown box are no longer in focus.

My HTML code:

<input type="text" id="user_address">
<div id="user_address_sg">SUGGESTION</div>

<div id="another element">Pressing another element on the page should hide the suggestion box</div>

I have attempted the following:

$('[id=user_address][id=user_address_sg]').focusout(function (){

Why isn't the user_address_sg hiding when I select another input field or other elements on the page?

Images (1st: When typing a name, 2nd: Selecting another form while suggestions appear)

First image: The suggestion box should be displayed and clickable

Second image: The suggestion box should disappear upon doing this

Answer №1

UPDATED: Here is an alternative using CSS:

function provideSuggestion(selection) {
document.getElementById('user_input').value = document.getElementById(selection).innerHTML;  
#user_input_sg {
  vertical-align: top;
  text-decoration: none;
  display: none;

#user_input_sg:focus, #user_input_sg:active {
  display: inline-block;

#user_input:focus ~ #user_input_sg {
  display: inline-block;
<input type="text" id="user_input">
<a href=# id="user_input_sg">
<span id=opt1 onClick="provideSuggestion('opt1')">OPTION 1</span><br>
<span id=opt2 onClick="provideSuggestion('opt2')">OPTION 2</span><br>
<span id=opt3 onClick="provideSuggestion('opt3')">OPTION 3</span><br>
<span id=opt4 onClick="provideSuggestion('opt4')">OPTION 4</span>

Answer №2

To ensure proper functionality, it is important to use the blur event and separate the selectors with commas. This is because a single element cannot have two different ids, but two different elements can have different ids. Therefore, it is necessary to separate them like so:

$('[id=user_address],[id=user_address_sg]').blur(function (){

For better results, consider using the on() method:

$('[id=user_address],[id=user_address_sg]').on('blur', function (){

The blur event occurs when an element loses focus, which seems to be what you are looking for in this case.

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