Blog Writer: Picture quality compromised when adjusting size

Issue with blurry images after resizing. The problem is noticeable in the three main images located under the Header section. To preview the blog, click on this link: Click Here

Your assistance in solving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you...

Answer №1

After much searching, I have discovered a solution to an issue:

If you reference the image URL on Google:

You will notice:

( w72-h72-p-k-no-nu ) within the link and this piece of code replaces it with something different

$ ('img'). attr ('src', function (i, src){return src.replace (/s35-c|s72-c|s400|s640|w72-h72-pk-no-nu|w72-h72-p-nu/gi, 's640');});

A huge thank you to everyone who contributed!

Answer №2

I encountered a similar problem and discovered a solution. I learned that uploading the image with its original size and then resizing it using the width attribute set to a specific percentage worked best for me. It's also important to ensure that the actual width is accurately specified in the code.

Always double-check that the correct width value is provided in the script.

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