Bind event listener exclusively for click event handlers

I have a scenario where I am using 'addEventListener' to handle the opening of a menu (genres-container) only after the transition on another menu (mobile-nav) has completed. The issue I am facing is that even after closing everything and trying to reopen mobile-nav, 'addEventListener' seems to trigger, even if I haven't clicked on genres-container. What I am looking for is a way to reset everything when I close mobile-nav.

function handleMenu() {

  var genresMenu = document.getElementById('genres-container');
  var mobileMenu = document.getElementById('mobile-nav');

  // If genres-container is open, close it.
  if (genresMenu.className === 'nav-active') {
    genresMenu.className = 'nav-disabled';
    mobileMenu.className = 'nav-disabled';

  // Else, open or close mobile-nav.
  else {
    if (mobileMenu.className === 'nav-disabled') {
      mobileMenu.className = 'nav-active';
    } else {
      mobileMenu.className = 'nav-disabled';

function handleGenres() {

  var mobileMenu = document.getElementById('mobile-nav');
  var genresMenu = document.getElementById('genres-container');

  // If mobile-nav is open, close it.
  if (mobileMenu.className === 'nav-active') {
    mobileMenu.className = 'nav-disabled';

    // Wait for transition to complete.
    let element = document.getElementById("mobile-nav");
    element.addEventListener("transitionend", function(event) {

      // If genres-container is closed, open it.
      if (genresMenu.className === 'nav-disabled') {
        genresMenu.className = 'nav-active';

      // Else, close it.
      else {
        genresMenu.className = 'nav-disabled';
    }, false);
.nav-disabled {
  max-height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

.nav-active {
  max-height: 150px;
  overflow: hidden

#mobile-nav {
  transition: max-height ease .4s;

#genres-container {
  transition: max-height ease .4s;
<a class="nav-link" onclick="handleMenu()">menu</a>
<div id="mobile-nav" class="nav-disabled">
  <a class="nav-link" onclick="handleGenres()">genres</a>
<div id="genres-container" class="nav-disabled">
  genres menu

Answer №1

To prevent the event listener for `transitionend` from being added multiple times, it is important to move it outside of the `onClick` function.

 var x = document.getElementById('mobile-nav');
  var y = document.getElementById('genres-container');
 var isMenuTransition = false;
function menu() {
   isMenuTransition = true;

  // If genres-container is open, close it.
  if (y.className === 'nav-active') {
    y.className = 'nav-disabled';
    x.className = 'nav-disabled';

  // Else, open or close mobile-nav.
  else {
    if (x.className === 'nav-disabled') {
      x.className = 'nav-active';
    } else {
      x.className = 'nav-disabled';
let element = document.getElementById("mobile-nav");
    element.addEventListener("transitionend", function(event) {
      // If genres-container is closed, open it.
      if (y.className === 'nav-disabled') {
        y.className = 'nav-active';

      // Else, close it.
      else {
        y.className = 'nav-disabled';
      } else {
        isMenuTransition = false;
    }, false);

function genres() {


  // If mobile-nav is open, close it.
  if (x.className === 'nav-active') {
    x.className = 'nav-disabled';

    //Wait for transition to be over.
.nav-disabled {
  max-height: 0;
  overflow: hidden;

.nav-active {
  max-height: 150px;
  overflow: hidden

#mobile-nav {
  transition: max-height ease .4s;

#genres-container {
  transition: max-height ease .4s;
<a class="nav-link" onclick="menu()">menu</a>
<div id="mobile-nav" class="nav-disabled">
  <a class="nav-link" onclick="genres()">genres</a>
<div id="genres-container" class="nav-disabled">
  genres menu

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