Best practices for blocking the interface in AngularJS during data loading phase

Within my form, there are numerous fields where the data is fetched from a server, including dependent data lists. During this data loading process, I would like to freeze the interface by displaying a progress bar. This can be achieved by overlaying a layer with a large z-index over all other elements, with the progress bar displayed in the corner.

I am familiar with implementing this feature using GWT or Vaadin:

  • Modal window with progress bar for long tasks

How can this be accomplished using AngularJS? I already know how to achieve it using JavaScript.

This issue is quite common. Are there any existing solutions available?

Answer №1

A great tool to seamlessly integrate into your solution is the promise tracker library.

For blocking the screen during application bootstrap, consider using ngCloak, which allows you to show a loading message while Angular initializes.

Answer №2

When working with the angular $http module to fetch data, you have the option to implement a custom directive for displaying a loading screen or progress bar:

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